Combines Wheat R62


Try adding 3 or 4 filler bars in the front of the concave. The wheat head can break up and go through the concave without being fully threashed. The filler bars just provide a short area of solid containment to more agressively rub the kernals out of their heads. Have a safe harvest!


Yes get the filler strips like Gamaman says and then you can tilt front of concave up as much as you need to to get full thresh. We run one knotch up from MID on all our crops and even two knotches up from MID on the toughest zero clearance crops. It's likely your N6 was set to have zero clearance all the way around concave when set to Zero while the R62 will be zero around the back half of the concave and .4" at front if set to MID. That .4" will let in a bunch of unthreshed if hard to thresh and if you don't have filler bars or closer clearance.