Combines Where are the tracks going


I 've heard of a IH 8010 up in Canada with tracks, Would be natural to put on a pair of tracks off a Quad Track 4wd. The parts are already at the dealers.


Good point on the weight, size and compaction problems of the big stuff. Steel tracks have been available for decades for the rice boys. Rubber tracks for combines have been available in the U.S., Europe and Australia since the mid 90's but the costs have been the killer. Rubber tracks were put on some cultivating equipment by an Aussie firm [ Horward.Bagshaw. ] in the late 90's and tested a few kilometres from us. The depth control, measured against an identical wheeled machine was superb. The horse power required, again against the identical wheeled machine was, surprisingly, considerably reduced. The track design and quality, supplied by an outside firm was not up to the job. The tracks literally broke up after being roaded for some 50 kilometres at about 30kph. H.B. also had financial problems at the time and did not go on with the project. There have also been a few 5000_ 6000 litre spray booms tracked here in Oz. We still own the 3'rd tracked Cat imported into Oz. We bought it in ourselves as Cat would not supply to Oz in the late 80's. I am still sold on tracks!


Good points, compaction is a problem here too. Not only does it reduce yield but it also inhibits tile drainage in our better yielding soils. And deep ripping doesnt completely cure compaction.


You hit the problem, cost of the benefit vs the liability. It is cheaper to fix the compaction mechanically through tillage rather than with the causual machine. Much has been done in this area researchwise. New technology in the area of tracks, undercarriage, suspension and economies of scale will have to occur before the damand increases. The first company that puts out the figures of perfomance improvement vs the cost in a short term positive cash basis will tip the scales of orders placed on the factory for tracked machines.


This fall I finally got a Quadtrack to get away from the compaction problem on irrigated ground. Now behind the quad I have a flexicoil 3450 air tank. It holds 340 bushels of fert and seed. That is a lot of weight on two 30.5X32 tires. After fall ripping the Quad only leaves tracks about 3 inches deep. Then comes along the air cart and presses that down another 3 inches. So much for all the compaction reducing ripping in those cart tracks. I would love to get a pair of tracks for my R-72. I could also use same setup on my Flexicoil 3450 air tank. We generally dont use combine and air cart at same time


You've got it. It's the cost. I spoke to a custom harvester who put tracks on one of his 2388 in fall 02. His cost was about 30 grand. On a lexion combine the additional cost is about 15 grand, if I remember right. On a Kinzie cart it about doubled the price for the old 1040. How could a farmer make this payIJ


Try these guys! I loved to put there tracks on our 8 ton airseeder and 6000ltr boom spray to!!!! http:__www.omnitrac.com_ Rolf