Combines Where is ND DanIJ


The other site is http:__combineforums.proboards.com_index.cgiIJ ND DAN is around talked to him a week ago, probably busy, He could be with the flooding, I know they are in the valley but not sure if close enough to the Red River or not.


Dan's web site Hurtt Equipment is also off line. He is located in Hoople ND, about 20 miles to the east of Drayton on the Red River. They also had a fire in their home a few weeks ago which caused some damage so he has had his hands full over the last month or so I would say.


All is well guys. Been a long couple monthes. Posted a short story on other site about fire. Could write a book on last couple monthes trials and tribulations. Been back in house for a couple weeks and beginning to feel like home. Slowly getting everything back up and running. We had some trouble with water around here but not near as much as twenty miles north or twenty miles east. Other parts of the state haveing alot of trouble with water. Anyway were doing great and hope to find some time to catch up with some combine talk soon. Take care. Dan


Good to hear from you Dan! Come to think of it, putting you EAST of Drayton was probably not one of my best ideas!