Combines Which CombineIJIJIJ


It would be easy for me, but I guess you can tell by my nick name which one I would get. I do think that the STS is the best combine that JD has ever made and can almost equal a New Holland. I would think you get more standard things on the CR and few things that JD don't have yet. I think CR 960 or CR 970 could have a 36' or 42' draper head and make good speed. I think it would do your 3_4 of two 9600's. You may want to check out the Power Manager news letter. I have a link to it. Ilnewholland


There is only one way to find out. Demo each one or buy one of each. I know farmers who have done that.


Great suggestion. I know a farmer who has a big CR and cuts over 6000 acres of wheat for the second year now. I could pass on his phone number. One thing you might consider going from two to one machine. If you have a break down, you're loosing 100% of your capacity for that time. How is the service and parts supply at your dealersIJ You might consider upgrading headers too, to match a high capacity combine. 30" rows on a twelve row head makes 30'harvesting versus only 20'on 20" rows. That is like going from an 8 row to a twelve row in the same crop. Draper heads go up to 45 feet for straight cutting. If your fields are fairly level, a MacDon does work well for beans.


A CR 970 with a 42' draper will out do two if not three 9600. I know someone that traded 3 combines for the CR 970 with the 42' draper and laps a 9610 and a 2188 or 1688 ( not sure which one) in the field. The CR970 is going about 6-7.5 mph and the other two 3-4 mph. If I remember right about the speed. The left side of the draper header does bounce a lot if field is rough. Bounces right over the wheat.


Thanks for the article, my boss had told me about that but could not find it after I asked to see it. We talked about going to a 36', but decided that 30 would be hard enough to get around with. We could not get a 30' auger head around with out taking it off because of some of the bridges, but with the MD I am able to lift over them. One day we lean towards a CR and the next its a STS, I'm kind of hopping its a CR.


You need to look beyond performance. I think you will find that Maintenance of an STS averages some $14,000 a season for about 5-600 hours. The first year is warranty, but after that it's a different story. Just ask some guys out west. CR's are much more reliable comparitively, and much lower maintenance.CR's have many unique features like threshing, seperating, cleaning, rethreshing, and unloading. Just my 2 cents worth.


From your post I don't think you are to sure of anything come on 6 to 7.5 mph with a 42' head maybe on the road with a pilot car. lOl


You must not know much about the CR 970 and have never heard of its performance, if you are talking like that.


We had a 9750 with a 36ft draper doing 12 - 14km per hr in 2.5 - 3.3 tonne_ha wheat and was doing it easy in terms of no grain loss and capacity. .... pity about the dirt being picked up in uneven country at one end and the heads missed at the other end, the inability of it to cut out contour banks, and fuel used to keep the beast going!!! WAKE UP YOU FOOlS!!!!! Big capacity does not = better job done or the most economic choice


From experience I may tell you, that the header size matters more than anything. When we went from 8 row cornheads to 12 row cornheads we cut down our harvesting time by about 30-50% and needed another truck and a bigger grain cart, still running the same size combine. You will only be able to utilize the bigger combine if you go with considerably wider headers. You will never be able to go fast enough with the smaller header not even mentioning the turn around time.