If I was you I would get the 3" one. I have had a 973 head with the 1.5" one and it worked good the first two years but after that I did not like it. If you really do the upkeep on the 1.5 it maybe alrightIJ We changed that 973 over to the 3" and it cut very good. Next two heads(973 and 73c) I have got the 3" on them. Seems in the past few years that's all the dealers here get any more. If you do no-till(beans in corn stalks) the 3" will do a better, cleaner cut at a faster speed. If you ever have any grass in soybeans the 3" will out cut the 1.5". A few people like the 1.5" cut but for me I would ony get the 3". Ilnh