Combines Which tires 30 5x32 s or 24 5x32 s on 1660


It looks like your 1660 was a pretty clean machine. Does it run as smooth as it appearsIJ Ever figure out how the bottom on both sides of the header plate got bent back like thatIJ I am assuming since you got one of the two machines, you aren't interested in my 1460 any moreIJ Good luck to you!


We bought a 1660 two years ago with 24.5 x 32 tires. The first year things were fine. This year we had a very wet wheat harvest and we were wishing for 30.5's.


The face plate got bent from the bish adaptor and the 454 all crop head. There's a few around here with the same problems but i'm not sure exactly how it happens. The 1660 should be a good machine, i currently have a 1660 with 5800 hrs and a 1440 with 3200, and will probably keep all machines through harvest and just put the corn head on the new one, then sell the 1440 sometime next year. I thought the 1460 actually looked a little sharper but I like some of the features of the 1660 a bit better. Have a safe harvest!


We have 30.5x32s on our 1644 and I wouldn't have anything smaller....Go with the 30.5x32s


I have 2 sets of 30.5 x 32 tires mounted on Gleaner (R62) rims. One set is rice tires with 60% tread and the other set are standard lug with 75% tread. Will sell either set...not sure if the Gleaner rims will bolt onto the Case 1660 but can check if you are interested.