Combines White er Agco Planters


I was wondering what's going to happen to dealers that just sell Sunflower tillage only like some Deere and CNH dealers do. Will they be expected to take on more Agco products or still be able to sell only tillage.


AGCO SAYS Eventually, no time line definite, all dealers will be either agco, cat, or mf and will sell the tractors. And Hesston is still Hesston red, White is still White red but they have MF or AGCO decals. Unless you order the same hay products under the MF line and then it is MF red, confused yetIJ


You forgot about Sunflower. They had their own booth at the FPS, but there was a disk in on the Massey side that looked like a Sunflower with MF decals. Will we be able to get Sunflower equipment in Agco formIJ Would be nice to have tillage tools that mached the tractors again.


That explains why there were some MF colored hay products in addition to the Hesston colored MF_Hesston equipment in the pictures. Wonder if the MF colored items will only be the smaller hay tools like in the past when they only made smaller balers and mower conditioners under the MF color.