Combines will trade r 62 for 9600


I think the question on everyone's mind here is...... WHY IN HECK WOUlD YOU WANT TOIJIJIJIJIJ :) Tom


Hmmm...humerous. As far as most areas I go through while driving truck, it seem that JD out sells all others buy a long shot. I'd say that Case is next. Off brandIJ I'd say that Gleaner is an off brand. Why do I look into this forum from time to timeIJ Bored I guess. I like combines. There is good and bad to all of them. Personally, I have the most respect for the job Case do in the field. I've seen more pleased customers running Case's in their fields. I like JD for parts availibility and service. I've ran Gleaners too and there is somethings I like about them, but not much.... Maybe just the cab and the low auger so hired drivers don't wrap them around power polls or get them hung up in trees while turning. Just my though. I couldn't resist commenting. CM


Combineman - Your comments are welcomed here on Gleaner Talk Show any day! We enjoy hearing from the unenlightened every now and again! How dull a world would it be if everyone ran Gleaners - we wouldn't have as much to giggle about like when we blow your side panels off!! Besides, I enjoy running combine, if it weren't for having to help my red and green neighbors finish their crops every fall, I wouldn't get enuff time in my member of the Great Silver Fleet. Sorry, I couldn't resist either!