It sounds like your sickle is pulling to hard. We have a place called Sickle Service here in central Nebraska and I was having alot of trouble with breaking the sickle head and the sickle bar itself. I am sure you probably have a place like that and all they do is work on sickles for anything. He put more hold downs on than what came from factory(one per foot is what he recomended) and then took more wear plates and turned them upside down to hold the sickle so it could not go back and fourth so much. I also did the modification that is on this web site with the extra weight on the wobble box pulley.I think it helped take some of the vibration out. Mine is a 30 ft flex and I believe it is more important the wider you are the better your sickle should be. After he was threw I could pull on the header drive belt real easy. Have not had trouble since.