Combines working in America


send your email address to me at I know some people who have been involved and i'll try and put you in touch. But Im not promising............. Ham in Sth. Aust.


Did it pre sept 11, so things may have changed_tightened up a fair bit since then. When I did it you had to have an employer you were going to work for and a letter stating that, and 4 or 5 grand cash available and a statement_copy off showing that and your return ticket back to Australia. Or something along those lines. I worked for a Canadian crew and had a Canadian working Visa, but when crossing the boarder into the US you do NEED a work visa for the US as well as they won't let you cross as a Canadian, and it will take some time to get it (even back then) so I'd get cracking. There are travel agencies around that specialise in this kind of stuff and I guess the best way to find them is just to get on the web and have a bit of a look around. Otherwise it might pay to talk too or look at the web page of the US Embassy in Australia to find out all the up to date paper work requirements. Finding work isn't really that hard over there, like here, there are never enough experienced drivers around at harvest time. Just be sure of what your work conditions are and how much they will pay in the hand and get that in writing, so there are no nasty surprises when you get over there. Things can get a little tougher if you don't get on with the crew you started with and you go to work for somebody else, as this may violate your visa conditions.(we had someone change from one crew to join ours mid season and I think they were in the can for that and they were Canadian) Just check that stuff out before you go on what your rights are there and what you have to do legally if you do change employer mid stream. If you do have some experience and you do enjoy the lifestyle then it is a great thing to do. I would suggest if you haven't as yet, get on an Aust. crew and do the harvest that will start in a month or so's time in gear similar to that of your US crew, from Qld to Vic just for some extra exp. Obviously since sept 11 2001, they are pretty toey as to who can_cannot get in (which is fair enough),so you must have a clean criminal record (as for most countries) O and if you have a long flowing beard and your passport photo taken while sitting on a camel with a turban on and an rocket launcher next to you, may have a little more trouble getting in.


Check with this US Custom Harvester group. They should know the details for getting the right papers to work the US harvest.


Hey that rocket launcher keeps those chaser bin drivers under control.


Just write me an email and check us out at:


Thanks everyone who answered my message. Any info can be sent to me at