Combines Would green be betterIJ


Well, it was a thought.. not much else. I also was thinking my lightbar would sure be easier to follow if it would give left and right audio directions through stereo headphones or speakers mounted on the left and right side of the cab instead of idiot lights so I could watch my driving instead of the video game. Take


Hey, you might be on to something. I think that could be done quite easily. Once the trigger makes contact to light the bulb, it could just as easily trigger a sound source. Just for a test, you could find out how many volts the unit sends out to the bulbs and then go to an electronics store and get a pair of dc powered bells or buzzers that would operate in about the same voltage and hook them up and do a test in the farm yard. By 2 different sounds of course so you'd be able to train your ear to which sound is left and which is right. That might be something to think some more about. It would be safer to drive by sound rather than take your vision off the job it needs to be on.


Well, it seemed like it would work to me, I called up midtech and asked them about it, probably make someone else rich but if it would work I would be happy. It would be very simple for sure, although the noise might become very annoying after a while which may be why they use lightsIJ! Probably.. gs


You know my Green Star GPS makes a different noise for left and right and I have used it that way instead of looking at the display.


I didn't know that, I am so far in the past my "new" machine is 8 years old and I feel lost on it, spent too many years on my old 6620. gs