Combines WTB 1010 25 head


IHnovice, Go for the 1010 header. A few years ago I ran my neighbors combine for a day or two and he had taken out the small auger and put in the large size. It just seemed like the header was not big enough for the auger. There was not enough room between the front of the auger and the cutter bar. K.A.


I saw a comment somewhere in the archives here where a guy suggested that if the auger flighting was squared up that an auger would perform like new. I imagine he has a good point. If the 810 header with the smaller auger performed like new, would it be satisfactory in KS wheat and milo cropsIJ The header I have isn't beat up, I just had some guys suggest that a different header would make the 1480 a significantly better combine. Another reason to like what I have, now that I measured a 1010 on a dealers lot, my Morton shed door is 27' and the 1010 measured 26'2". With dirty cab windows and reflections, that could be a tight fit. The 810 measures 25' even.