Combines yield monitor for a R50


You may want to check out the one I put in my New Holland TR99 this year. It is a RDS that I got from loup Electronics. Price w_o gps was about $2600. It will work with gps and do mapping if you need it to. I put in in in about two days time by myself. It is very easy to use and seems to work great. I think it is about the same kind they use on Cat combines. Ilnh


I've used a MicroTrak Grain Trak for 5 years now. For the first 4 years the moisture accuracy decreased as the temp decreased. I could see yield changes on the maps according to time of day harvested. DMC is the moisture sensor Manufacturer, GSI does service work. I sent it in for testing. They tested it a second time when I told them it was a temerature compensator problem. They say it checked ok. This year it was showing 11% less than actual when the temp was 20 degrees less than calibration temp. The loup Electroics moisture sensor picture looks exactly like the one I have. Ilnh, have you checked your calibration accuracy at different tempsIJ Minn62 is satisfied with his Agleader.


I have found the grain moisture to be accurate enough. I set it to our local elevator and it seemed to stay within .5% of it all year. Temp did not seem to change it, as we combined this fall from 90* down to 20*. The only time it got way off is when I ran water and mud into the combine, then it went up by 20%. After I cleaned it up it was right again. I have mine mounted at the top of the clean grain elevator. Can you not reset the moisture and temp on yoursIJ Ilnh


My MicroTrak was made in 1995 "DOS Compatible". The only methods of resetting calibration I'm aware of 1)enter new load data as new calibration values, 2)manually scroll through the calibration menue to reset moisture cal.n. With experience and a Temp._Cal.n hand written chart then watch the thermometer it can be done. Or option 3) as recomended by MicroTrak's tec support department-----disable the moisture sensor and use a fixed value. Overall, the mass counter is accurate enough to give relatively accurate yield maps. The accurate moisture is handy for monitoring the moisture going into the dryer, or picking the lower moisture of 2 or more varities in a field, or moving to a different field altogether when the moisture jumps. My irritation is with an electronic device that should work but doesn't. If anyone has a MicroTrak Grain Trak that does give accurate moisture regardless of temp. changes I'd like to know. This would also be useful to anyone considering a MicroTrak TrakPac.