Your most embarrassing moment?

Almost Eden

Bean Stalker
Mine is a doozy. The in-laws were due to visit us today on short notice, so my son, husband, and I started rushing about to tidy up. I was handing out the marching orders which might have included, "remember guys, we're just going for the illusion of clean and tidy, so don't get hung up in one area," when my in-laws announced their presence. They were downstairs the whole time and we just didn't hear them arrive. I'm sure they overheard me. My cheeks keep heating up whenever I think about it. They must think we're total slobs now.

So that's mine, now let's hear yours. Maybe if we share in the awkwardness it will feel less awful.


Farm Hand
Hey, at least they didn't overhear you talking badly about them, @Almost Eden. I thought for sure that's what you were going to say. It could be much worse. I bet your in-laws understand that you're a busy family, and they can't expect the home to be spotless when they're dropping in unexpectedly.

My most embarrassing moment happened a few years ago. I accidentally let a client's puppy out of the gate. The client wasn't home so of course I chased after it. The puppy went through a neighbor's doggy door. I did too. I was just reacting and didn't think it through. Anyway, I set off the alarm and had to explain myself to the police. The puppy peed on the neighbor's carpet. Just thinking about it still makes me blush.
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Farm Hand
That would've embarrassed me too, @Almost Eden. However, I would've found it charmingly funny had I overheard such a thing. What did your in-laws say?

Mine happened decades ago at a work function when I dropped a crystal punch bowl on the floor. The bowl shattered and several colleagues, including my boss, were covered in red punch. It took ages to live that down.

Almost Eden

Bean Stalker
@Nora, they didn't mention it. My husband thinks they might not have heard me, but I'm sure they did. My mother-in-law keeps a spotless home, so it bothered me, but I've felt less upset about it as the days have gone on. I probably overreacted. Thanks for asking and for sharing your story! That would've embarrassed me too.

@GrowPro, ouch, that's a tough one! Look on the bright side - you were skinny enough to fit through a pet door. I'd call that a win!