Susanna, my wife and I can't handle killing animals that we raised. We no longer are in the dairy goat business, but when we were, most of the doe kids joined the herd, some were sold, but only to other dairy herds (that we checked out before selling them) or they were sold as pets. We spent a lot of time figuring out genetic to produce productive and people oriented goats. Our kids were popular, both as pets and dairy goats. The buck kids were harder, but again we only sold them as pets or herd sires. They were harder to place and we worked with a farm rescue person who helped us find good home for buck kids when we had too many. I can't guarantee that no kids we sold ended up on dinner plates, but we did everything in our power to avoid that.
Even after being retired, they unfortunately don't live forever, and when they did get feeble or sick, we had them put down by our vet. I know it sounds crazy, but each one was a beloved pet. They all had names, all answered to their names and many commands. As you know, goats are incredibly smart.
As you probably also know, feed prices tripled in 2010, and put our goat milk enterprise out of business. We stopped breeding, and some of our younger does went to our friends' farms, though most of them also went out of business. Our goats spent their days in retirement on our farm. Luckily, we both had other jobs, the farm was not our only income, but farming gets in your blood and ending a farming business is not a happy thing.
We also had a pretty big egg business, we live in upstate New York and we had eggs shipped to a couple of restaurants down in New York City who had a reputation for using farm fresh, all natural, free range eggs...our eggs. when chickens stopped laying they stayed on the farm in happy retirement. Naturally, our farm business could have made a lot more money if we didn't get attached to our livestock, but we are animal people. We also had a horse rescue, had a flock of sheep, had rescue llamas and alpacas, but that's all another story.
By the way, your questions are not intrusive. I enjoy your posts, we seem to have a lot of similar view points