We are bottle feeding one of our calves. He isn't drinking well from his momma. Anyone do this before? It's actually very sweet, my children like to help.
June bugs are the death of me! We have not really had too many problems with potato bugs! I'm glad because we have way too many potatoes to pick the bugs off by hand.
I've always been told to plant our seed potatoes on a hill (mound). Does everyone do this? Why is it that we do? I always have luck with lots of potatoes but I wondered why the hill.
We planted both cherry and grape!
No but I wish they were ready. It's time for the hard work, weeding, watering, etc.. I love garden fresh vegetables and I can't wait for them to be ready.
Yep, that will do it for sure. If he smelled the feed or suet, he would dig to the bottom. Raccoons are such nuisances for sure.
I hope with you moving the feeder, he will stop bothering you.
That stinks for sure! I thought it was a sellers market right now. Our local credit union has been advertising low interest rate loans. Perhaps it is the type of property he is trying to buy.
I agree 100%! I will never take for granted just a simple smile. Seeing people's faces again! Enjoy your dinners with your friends. We are having a cookout tomorrow with our neighbors.
My wife makes her own too. She feels the same way as you, expensive. We were at an Amish greenhouse today and they had their simple baskets for 35 bucks! She bought many annuals for 20 and she will make 4 baskets.
Sweet, so this means that people that are getting help will get "healthier" food. I like this. We don't get help but it is nice for those that do. Eating healthy is so expensive!
We finally got our tomato plants planted. It's been a wonderfully hot week with no signs of frost at night. We planted several varieties this year and I'm going to track to see the difference. We are new to planting many tomato plants. We usually just plant one type for our own consumption.
Honestly raccoons get into everything but not flowers (here at our farm). I would try to set up traps if they continue to bother with your flowers. Are these flowers you grow to sell or flowers you decorate with?
That would make sense, but have the states handled any of this pandemic the same? It's been so political since the beginning. Blue states handle it one way, while red states a different way. I'm in a blue state and it's been a hot mess.
Wow, that's pretty impressive. I don't know that I would add bones to it either. You could use it and just not put in the carcasses. I'm going to have to do some research now.
My wife has ham and bean soup simmering on the stove. It's what is for lunch tomorrow! I am getting so hungry just smelling it. Anyone else a fan of ham and bean soup?
That certainly sounds interesting. I am not a big fan of leftover potatoes. I love leftover ham and my wife does some amazing things with it.
I'm curious how they turned out. Did they scorch?
Never! I do know some farmers in our local area that thought about it. I don't think it's a good fit for me or our farm. I don't criticize other farmers who think it is right for them.
We keep our books but we don't do taxes. Keeping our books is pretty easy. We use a computer accounting system.
I took several accounting classes in school and college.