Is anyone heading to the National Farm Machinery Show in Kentucky? It's going to be held in February on the 12-15th. I went last year while visiting some relatives in Kentucky and the tractor pull is very popular and a real hoot! I'm an urban homesteader so I couldn't justify buying the fancy...
What about trading holidays with some neighbors. One year, your family takes care of the neighbor's farm so they can go off for Thanksgiving and they do the same for you around Christmas. Then the next year, you guys could switch, so they could travel to see extended relatives around Christmas...
I love quilts, but don't have the patience to make one. That's a generous gift idea!
We make jerkies and pet treats to give to friends. Family members get a more personal gift, like knitting materials for my sister-in-law and a free week of babysitting for my brother.
I usually host my family's Thanksgiving meal. I'm not on a particular diet, but I have family members who limit their carbohydrate intake and I try to accommodate that. Turkey is carb-free, so you don't have to worry about that so long as you aren't using a bunch of sauces and marinades...
We only share our gear with family. Now, I'd be more than happy to give someone some food or other supplies if they needed it, but I'd never loan out my farm equipment to anyone that's not blood.
This year it seems like the chicken hawks are starving, determined, and vicious. My rooster is a strong boy with experience, but the hawks are giving him a run for the money and wearing him out. It's odd because normally my rooster is enough to deter them without much fuss. They used to take...