Combines 1660 settings for GREEN beans


You said you are running the concaves on easy thresh.Isn't that fairly openIJ I think you would need to tighten up the concave to have the rotor keep a good grip on the crop mat.That's why the scallop or notched separator bars work in conjuntion with the Disrupters. Usually the rotor settings are just opposite what a conventional cylinder would be for things like that.


Don, have an 84 1460 with standard rotor and serated bars on back of the rotor. They are in good condition but not sure if they are what you call scalloped or notIJ Wondered if all I would need is the set of disruptersIJ Getting ready to cut a bunch of green stemmed beans and I bet I'm going to regret not installing some disrupters. I see that you left a phone number, may try calling you. Andy


Maybe I can tell you guys a little more about my Disrupters. We made them to help in the green stem beans but found them to equally benificial in preventing corn loss. (The reason for Case putting them in their parts book.) I was at the farm progress show in Iowa in 1999, Case had a 2388 in 225 bu corn @ 25% and running it right out the back. The only way that you will lose corn out the back of any rotor is on full corn shucks. The Disrupters and rice spikes will cut up the shucks. Case's idea to stop corn loss in specility rotors was to install retarder bars over the seperating section. (retarder bars-the stright bar over the grates with no teeth on them) Thoes bars retard bean straw, something you don't want to do. My recomendation for specility rotors is Disrupters in the grate, removal of all retarder bars and instalation of rice spike bars over the entire seperation section. Rice spike bars over the grate section in specility rotors do the same thing as the notched seperater bars or scollop bars in conventional rotors. With the Disrupter system you well first cut up green stem bean straw and also stp rotor loss. Vanes can be placed in the center position for all crops. We do have over 10,000 combines equiped with our system. Please call me anytime, its free-ask for Don ( 1-800-235-4461. Thanks.


Andy I had the first try today in some green stemmed beans. This was on variable soils and the bottom ground was incredible in the size of the beans. The stems were still green and there was so much bush to them you had a hard time seeing the ground in 30 inch rows. I had very very little rumble in the rotor. I could pull the engine down as far as I felt comfortable and the rotor took it. Out the back like I attested to before was segemented stems. I was running ahead of a 2188 with specialty rotor and a 20 foot head with my 1660 and 15 foot head and kept him off my tail just fine. And yes you have the correct bars on the back. Pull your grates and follow the paper with them on the placement. Takes about an hour if you have everything ready. I put them on then zipped them tight with an impact. Put them on the side of the slot that would make them push against the keystock when running. Just got off the phone minutes ago talking to a fellow farmer about the disrupters and told him to go get a set!