Combines 1680 air speed


Al, Good luck with corn harvest. let us know how its doing. I plan to start on dryland corn this week also. It won't be very good. The irrigated corn in the area looks good but it is still few weeks off. K.A.


Say whatIJ Guess you guys got it figured out later on, but just had to refute this statement anyway. The drive (top) pulley, if it's working right, is going to force the belt to the outer limits no matter what its length is. The shorter the belt, the wider that will force the spring loaded driven (bottom) pulleys, thus increasing the speed. The crossflow fan changeover required the shorter belt when installed in the 1600 series machine. I converted one of these. I'm assuming the 1644, 66,88, 2100 and 2300 series still use the same short belt.


Actually there are 3 belts to choose from. The 23 series has a serial number break and there is another belt number for the later serial number. If you can take number off old belt that usually is a safe bet.


little al, where are you harvesting corn all readyIJ Just like to know! JWK


going to start monday. I'm in southest arkansas. Alot have started south of us.


believe it or not i haven't started yet. moisture running a little high. going to get started saturday. I cut a sample and combine ran fine. I ran about 3.5 mph i believe i can run 4 or 5. i'll let you know how thing go once i get started thanks al