Operation and maintanance book that was send out with machines
_N 3666398 troubleshooting and repair electonic control system: P_N 3666371 comes in two volumes. Quick chart for wiring and fault codes: P_N 3666395. R65-75 service manual also has list of error codes for QSC. The pink wire you cut to tack unit was one of the two CAN wires and stoped the comumication from engine control unit to tack unit. You might want to hook it up during the day and if it bothers at night when you turn on lights unhook it again. You might want to then try again to get errors to show up. I've had to fiddle with this a few times in the past when tring to get errors up. Try turning key on then turn left knob the one way and then the other knob the oppisite ect. until you hopefully get errors displayed. I believe once you get them to show up you rotate left knob to cycle between active and non active codes. Then try flashing key on and off up to five times quickly to get rid of errors and recheck to see if they are all gone. This might give you something to go on should you have more trouble. Fuel restriction on these machines have allways displayed error 328 or 329 which doesn't realy point out fuel restrictions but cleaning screen or replacing filter have fixed them. Best of luck