If it ain't broke don't fix it. The one item I saw in your post that peaked my interest was would you rather buy a new 2388 or a new 2377 if the price was the same come on we all know that whenever there is a model change the price is increased and it doesn't matter what the color is. The thing is yes all new combines are over priced in 1980 a brand new 1480 was $100,000.00 and in a good day you should have been able to combine a 100 acres. Fast forward to 2004 a brand new 2388 cost aprox. $285,000.00 and in a good day you should combine 200 acres the machine is almost three times as much but maybe only twice the capicity. Yes new combines are way to much and if we are buying them we should be able to buy what we want and if Case thinks it can change the model raise the price discontinue making a smaller combine and still have their share of the market they are dreaming. It is way eaiser to get a customer who is coming from a different color then to keep the ones you have upset by dumping product lines. I am sorry if I have offend anyone but this just irks me we as customers are paying the salaries of Case employees so I just feel they should take more interest in what we say.