Combines 76 F Bearing on Main Clutch Shaft Help


hmm. something is big time wrong. Re assemble if possible and run unit to high speed. THEN insert a wedge in the lower sheave to keep it apart. NOW try to remove the main clutch shaft sheave. IF you can see a gap between the main shaft and the outer vs sheave your sheave and shaft will be worn. This usually leads to egg shaping of the the holes where the pegs go. IF the brg is flopping and it still will not come off the brg must be in the groove it wore is my guess. WE used to recon the shafts by having the shaft trued and then since it willbe under sized haveing an brass or oilite brg pressed into the outer sheave to fit the main clutch shaft.


Thanks Tbran. Once the speed control arm is removed. Should everything including the outer sheave just slide off the main shaft with relative easeIJ I can't tell if the bearing is frozen on shaft or what. Just from my observation and what I can see the bearing looks like it is pressed into the bearing housing and then that should all just slide right on the shaft. Is that correctIJ The part that is flopping around on the shaft is just the bearing housing with what is left of the outer races of the bearing it looks like. Maybe I am missing something but it looks like it should be fairly simple and I just hate to apply force until I know for sure. Thanks.