Combines 960cr


I don't know why your thinking of a 9560STS in place of a CR940. Put them in the same field and you will find that a CR940 will make a 9750STS look poor. Unless Deere did a big redo on the 60 series, you should compare at least a 9660STS or a 9760STS to a CR940. From what I've seen of it in soybeans you won't be sorry with the NH.


I ran a 960 for a while and then a ran a 970 and there is no comparison. On the 960 the feeder house kept backfeeding a plugging up and there is no more trouble with that on the 970. The 960 to me had a lack in power when in heavier crops. If your going with the 940 ask your dealer if they could adjust your header so that backfeeding wont be a problem. but all in all the cr's are very good combines.