Ok, on the issue of going quickly from crop to crop, that is one of ways to make the growth regulator pencil. If you get a chance, put the pencil to it one more time. I think you'll find that shortening the length of the grass straw will serve you very well in a couple of ways. It will take less dry down after swathing, getting you into yhe field a day or two earlier. And the load on the combine will be be enough lighter that the fuel and labour savings will pay for a lot of it. What would happen if you took one of your broken tines and used it for a template to build a knife setup for the front couple of rows of tines. Maybe make a mount for a sycle section to be bolted onto it. That would help with the roping effectively. If our fescue gets rained on, sometimes we will put spike bars in our axial flow to help minimize the roping. The currently produced conventional machines do a fine job in grass, but at the expense of your other rotational crops. Dont let anyone fool you. All mass produced machines on the market are a "jack of all trades, master of none" harvesters. They will do most crops ok, but will do none really well. They have to be that way to market them in a global marketplace. Unfortunaly you happened accross a machine type that has'nt had enough time in the grass seed to solve some of the problems. If you had the time to do a little experimenting with some various new accessories of your own design, you could probably make some extra cash. Everybody could use extra cash.