Sieves, concave, rotor, wind etc are about the same as the book but just check it out by trial and error. One thing I really try to elliminate in all crops is the amount of returns. If you have an excessive and unwarranted amount of returns it usually means you are not thrashing it properly in the first instance or, the bottom sieve is too closed or not enough air. If you take a logical approach to the process of harvesting you won't go far wrong. I know it's been said a thousand times before - but just remember to start addressing problems or settings at the very front of the harvester before moving to the next section of the machine. I find too many people start at the back of the machine and move forward trying to rectify problems. Settings for the adjustable pre-cleaner are a matter of trial,error and logic. For instance, if you are harvesting canola and have the top sieve around 12mm and the bottom around 2-3mm, you wouldn't have the pre-cleaner at say 15mm would youIJ logic would tell you that around 5mm would be a good starting point. Similarly in wheat a top sieve of 16mm and bottom sieve of 6mm would induce a pre-cleaner setting of around 10mm.