Is the program really freeIJ No! The program is not free, as CNH would like customers to believe. Customers, as mentioned above, must pay for the test kits, for the shipping of the test kits, and a yearly dealer inspection. Those costs can mount up quickly. For example, by following the service recommendations found in the Ultra Shield program manual for an MX large row-crop tractor over a 10-year_10,000-hour period and assuming: 500 hours per year use, $200.00 yearly inspection fee, and a kit shipping cost of $3.00 per service interval, customers can expect total administrative costs in the $3,500.00 dollar range. These program administration costs do not include the cost of engine oil, engine filters, hydraulic oil, hydraulic filters, and other associated consumable items used for maintenance. In the end, the CNH customer will spend roughly $3,500.00 for the OPPORTUNITY to service their tractor over 10 years_10,000 hours on top of the normal maintenance costs. That is hardly a free program. However, CNH dealers have been promoting the red Ultra Shield and blue Customer Care programs as 10,000-hour free warranty programs. But, as you can see from the information listed above, these programs are not warranties; they are limited in coverage and are far from free. For a customer to obtain his or her investment out of the Ultra Shield or Customer Care program, they would have to get a premium in the used market equal to or better than the dollars spent in administration fees. Unfortunately, most competitive tractors do not command that type of premium in the used market place. Thus, the customer could actually lose money by participation in the CNH programs.