Combines AGCO s New Year Resolution


I agree, Agco's website is worse than a pathetic joke! Gleaner combines have lost at least 95% of their customers who owned N6's because of the poor way they have been handled!(at least in our area) Most of the reason is probably because of the Deutz era,but AGCO hasn't picked up the slack the way it can and should!


Not only that, on their website I requested brochures for the R75 to add to my collection. That was 2 months ago and it still hasn't come.


From what I've seen so far, it appears to be a Massey Rotary with a CAT engine and yellow paint.


I understand what you guys are saying about agco.I read on that agco is doing away with marketing simplicity lawn tractors under agco logo.It made me mad to say the least so i wrote the president of agco the other day and should be receiving a email from the vice president of agcos marketing on the subject soon.Agco emailed me back and told me that in a email the next day.You guys need to email agco and complain like i did.I have always owned allis chalmers_agco lawn tractors a total of 4 now and will not buy a massy logo lawn tractor even though it is the same tractor just a differant paint color.I told agco that they have buried everything that they have bought that amounted to anything.I also told them that they need to come up with their own designs on tractors and stop taking massy tractor designs and paint them orange with the agco logo.Allis Chalmers would have never done some of the stuff agco is doing if they were still around.All i am saying is you need to complain like i did and maybe agco will listen if enough of us complain to them. I told agco in my email that they dont listen to the allis chalmers erea farmers enough on product ideas.The only right they have done is buy the challenger line of tractors.Gleaner was always ahead of the pack and now they need to get back in the leader role by making a smaller size k to l size combine for the the smaller farmer and need a bigger 400+ hp and 400 bin like we all have been hearing on here for awhile now and far as tractors go build a tractor that has more hp with a reserve torque peak when using under heavy drawbar work like the cummings have in some of the combines and tractors on the market.A tractor that is not massy design and is a cousin to the 8000 series with a design that is close to that.I know i am off the wall on these to alot of you but if i worked for agco that would be what i would have on the drawing board.AGCO would sell more equipment if they listened to you operators more and if they gave you more that 1 engine to chose from the truck manufactors do. AGCO-AllIS MAN


Is it a true CAT engineIJ I heard that since CAT owns perkins, all they are doing is painting the Massey tractor yellow so I guessed they would do the same with combines or do the combines not use perkinsIJ Haven't keep up with Massey in years.


Or you can do what I'm doing, switch brands. I just finished the deal on a new loader tractor and didn't even price the new agco_massey. If all goes as planned all the orange tractors will be gone from my farm in 5 years.


WE used to be all orange and silver but since what happened in 1985 our 8030 FWD a great tractor was replaced after 16 years with a 7220 Mag and our F2 replaced by a 1640, followed by a 1660 and 2- 2366 combines. We still have a WD45 gas and a WD45 DIESEl , WF, B, and a 185 which are used to pull wagons , run augers etc. WE will not go back with orange for our heavy farm work since the orange equipment does not hold its value. The 8030 when traded was worth half of what a 4250 JD FWD WAS GOING FOR.AGRO is getting too big.


I am glad that is working for you. I do not buy tractors for resale value only, as most of my tractors come to my farm used I look for a lower price tractor. Agco tractors are a very good value for me. My Agco dealers are good and value me as a customer even if I don't buy to many new tractors. I think Agco is doing a good job and maybe just need to market themselfs better like John Deere. I think John Deere has that resale thing pulled over a lot of peoples eyes. IlNH


Yea that JD resell line is a bunch of Bull****! I tried for a long time to sell a very nice 7200 tractor with 1900 hrs. Dealers wouldn't give anything to trade finally got sold private. I told dealer my 8050 and 185 have way better resell when comparing what was paid for them. They don't like hearing but that was the fact.