Combines Another STS capacity question


First of all I did not mean all classes of and models of Deere combines when comparing to the amount sold in Europe. I was just comparing the number of 9860 STS combines sold in Europe and the number sold in North America. lets compare apples to apples not apples to oranges. Also your comment about harvesting in conditions that we would think don't even exist I beg to differ. We have harvested in conditions where the straw was wet and moisture was at 20 to 25% we have also harvested in snow, cold days and nights where you could see the frost on the windrows temps were down in the teens. I have a question for anyone who will answer it for me. Why on the harvest run do you meet guys from Germany, United Kingdom, Austraila, New Zeland, Belarus and other countries working on harvest crews, if they have such superior crops and equipment in their countries why would you want to go and work on the harvest run with equipment and crops that may be substandard according to some of the posts on this threadIJ


I have read through the above posts and nobody has said that there are sub standard crops_machinery in N.America!! Of course JD sells more 9860's in N.America than in Europe because Claas is no1 by a long way overhere.Now if you count the number of Euro 580 lex_9880STS compared to the amount of 590lex_9860STS sold in NA the two amounts would be similar.Throw in the amount of SP forage harvesters and SP beet harvesters (which N.America has never heard of!!) and Europe will be well ahead. The reason why you have so many guy's from other countries coming on harvest is for EXPERIENCE not because your crops_machinery_wages are any better or worse than those in Europe.


Bundy What is the brand of airdrills used over thereIJ Can't imagine much tougher harvest conditions then in Canadian prairies when the temps are -10 snow on the ground having to thaw conbine out once in awhile in shop. I just wish the mach. companies could build a decent reliable combine thats easy to work on.


John, Our harvests over here are the exact opposite to that of Canadian and European conditions, ie stinking hot conditions and light(er) crops. The harvest usually kicks off in October in Qld and continues through till after Christmas in Southern states of Australia. It is usually a race against the whether as we are very susceptible to storms_hail at that time of year. Yields usually get heavier the further south you go, ranging from a 30 bu_ac average in Qld up to 60 bu_ac plus in southern areas with more reliable in crop rainfall. Hot dry conditions, up to 40 plus degree's C with hot Westerly winds. The combines are all straight cutting wheat and harvesting at 7 to 14km_hr depending on crop and conditions to keep machines working to capacity, so if the country is a bit wet or heavy, you can imagine what that does to the drivetrain with a 30+ foot head on front, high ground speeds and hot conditions. Unfortunatley because we are such a small spec on the international machinery market (I heard a figure of around 400 new combines a year total for Australia) it is not worth while anymore to have combines_tractors built down here anymore, with most Australian Tractor_combine companies bought out or pulled out the huge American Companies. ie Chamberlain, Massey Fergerson, Horward Bagshaw (stopped production) and I think International may have built some down here as well, but it's way before my time. That said Mid-West make a fantastic draper front especially designed to handle Aust conditons. And companies such as Gyral, Janke, Shearer, Gason, Simplicity, Daybreak, AFM, Grizzly, Excel and Homan but to name a few, continue to develop strong, robust airseeders, tillage and zero till machinery to handle our "challanging" conditions and soils. Of particular interest are the fully adjustable tines and heavy duty disc openers that are now being developed that leave the barton or the fexicoil_JD tines for dead. Finally I agree with your last sentiments, but unfortunatly in this "global" world we live in, no longer are combines built for optimum performance in one condition, but to be jack of all trades, and unfortunatly that means that there will be some huge lossed in performance to what it "could be".


I totally agree with you crbiner, Bid Al is an uneducated, embarassment to your country with regards to his stupid comments. You wonder why some people don't like Americans!!. When the majority are fantastic people, it is sad it only takes one to create a bad example of the masses.


Is'nt it amazing how powerful the internet can beIJ The effect one person can have as it reaches so very many people all over the world. Amazing!


Firstly, I didn't see anyone call the crops in the USA sub-standard. Nor the machines and implements. Secondly, I for one wouldn't come there to harvest because of the quality of the crop. There are good crops everywhere and it's nothing new to most people. I would come there because it's a chance to see a beautiful country, make a bit of money and gain experience. And the reason the custom cutters hire people from outside of the USA, is (as they themselves say) "due to a lack of local interest". There is no need to take the first post so personally, Big Al. Just relax and be confident in your country and the farming that goes on there. There's no need to defend it against anyone else or their farming activities. If one is too defensive, people often interpret it as a result of insecurity. I'm sure you're not insecure, but not everyone will think about it as neutrally as I did. And just one last thing: on comparing apples to apples. I don't think harvesting conditions in Europe and in North America are the same. There have been very derogatory comments about the size of European fields etc. which I think were unnecessary. The size of machinery is not an indication of things like yield, potential or capability in general. I have seen 2388's run with anything from a pickup taking from 14-foot rows up to 60-foot rows, 4 to 12 rows of corn, and cutting anything between 18 and 42 foot wide. All depending on many things, like yield etc. I am sure an intelligent man like yourself will agree with me that there are many factors that impact on capacity, speed and all the things of harvesting. But we're here to talk about harvesting. So, everyone here, let's try and drop the attitude of "... bless my country because it's the best" and rather stick to the business of getting the crops off and feeding the world.


From one "Al" to another, (my name is Al also) ;-) I didn't mean to offend anyone, including yourself; - I guess I'm a little unaware of some of the harvesting conditions you've encountered. Here is southwestern Ontario, Canada, I personally haven't encountered such conditions, other than excessive weeds in years where spraying didn't "take"! In answer to your question about foreign operators on harvest runs, perhaps it's thier way of seeing agriculture in different countries. I had the opportunity to go to Australia about 25 years ago and that was the reason I went. (It certainly wasn't on account of the money)!


Mr. Boetboer you are quite right some days I just let minor things get to me. I will not let the Germany comment bother me anymore. Thanks for the "Therapy" Session lOl. Have a nice Day Big Al


I just want to say bundy that I couldnt have put it better myself.You have summed it all up,but one thing you didnt mention was the use of hydraulic tines in Australia.Are there any imported models that come with this option.Also where abouts are you situated in this big country of oursIJ