Good question. I suppose it depends on what purpose your fence is trying to serve. Security? I'd go high and tight chain link dug into the ground 18" if you're worried about critters getting under it or deer jumping over. I used to <a href="">fence</a> in Australia for a few years, and we'd run cattle/sheep fence 50" tall, with 4 strands of barb wire and 3 strands high-tensile plain wire. Ran barb 2", 6", 36" and on top, which discouraged both wild pigs (bottom) and kangaroos (middle, as they surprisingly liked to push through it rather than jump over which they could easily do). If you're talking sheep I'd run a grid pattern 3' high with a few barbs up top. If your cattle are easily handled you can train them to respect a single strand of high-tensile electric or electric tape fence. Alot of options. But hey, what kind of "security" are you looking for?