Farmtony, nice reponse. Greenstat I have read this website for years but have never posted. I have often been amused of your undying support of Green even though they are clearly sucking hind teat sometimes. Guess I have finally seen enough. You seem to know a lot about how Deere is so great and Red is so bad. The comment about CNH being on the edge, what factual information do you have that shows that is the caseIJ I have a green planter and a green bean head, everything else is red. What colors do you run, let me guess, all greenIJ How can you sit there and run red down when they had a rotor combine 30 years before Deere didIJ ReallyIJ Do you run a Deere rotorIJ let me quess next you will probably say that Deere came out with the bullet rotor and IH followed them, even though the "bullet" rotor sure looks a lot like something called an AFX rotor that IH had 4-5 years prior. Note the controls on the hydro stick in the 2100 series Case IH combines. Remind you anything of the newly designed controls on the 50 series combinesIJIJIJIJIJ Who had the first bulk fill planter IH or DeereIJ let me guess IH did but Deere perfected it! I have operated several 30 and 40 series Deere tractors for friends and if you can honestly sit there and say the hideous smoke stack and air cleaner pipe don't obstruct your view you are smoking something. That is absolutely the most stupid thing I have ever seen. Now with that atleast I am man enough to say congrats to Deere, as they know how to manage their workforce and manage their money. If IH could of done that they would still be in business and most likely giving deere a run for their money. How about for once quit running down everybody else and admit that while Deere is good other people know how to make decent equipment. Recall around 1974, IH made its 5 millionith tractor. Has Deere ever caugth upIJ