I would like to show you around my area to see all of these supposedly maintenance nightmare green machines in my area. I don't think if been around green combines much if you are talking about what you see in the paper. There are plenty of 9600s with over 3,000 or 4,000 hrs here going strong and lots of 8820s with the same or more hours. I know a guy who bought one of the first 9600 and it is still going strong. I have several neighbors that run red and they are always complaining about changing the feederhouse chain and elephants every other year. One of my neighbor averages $5,000 per year in maintainence and repairs on his IH 1480. He only cuts 1,000 acres a year. I average about $1,000 in maintainence and repairs on my 8820 and cut about 1,500 acres. Another neighbor had the grain tank auger bearings go out in his 1680 even though it had only 2,500 hrs. Both red and green combines can be maintenance nightmares if treated improperly because I have seen it happen.