Combines Can we play Politics


Also don't want to offend anyone--but here's my thoughts. Obama has little experience in my opinion,especially foriegn policy. Don't know about his ag policy if he has one. Mcain has said he wants to cut or stop ethanol subsidies.I think he is not big on ag subsidies of any kind. I do think he would be better on foreign policy. As far as I can see neither is going to be very strong on ag issues. I think Clinton deregulated banking industry and this played big role in the economic problems of today. Still trying work out n;s for planting winter wheat;doesn't look to good after two years of drought to spend alot to plant a fall crop but who knows what next year will bring. good luck.


I will throw my thoughts out. I agree with what posum said about the banking intustry. Our economy follows about 5 to 10 years behind policy of our former Presidents. I am not holding up for Bush by no means. But this grow and spending and the stock market going up day after day through the 90's had to crash sooner or later. As far as farmers,no one cares in that office.everyone wants cheap food. Neither are going to support us farmers. I think it comes down to morals,foreign policy,and taxes. I think there is a clear cut winner there. There both in the senate,so they have both been the problem.How can one blame the other,that neither caused the mess we are in. I hate to say,and never thought I would,but I wish that Palin was the one running,at least she hasnt been a part of what we now have. IG


Can't vote for a Chicago machine person,period.This one isn't really from there but got his political education there.The crap in Cook Co. makes capitol hill look like childs play.Beyond that ,this guy doesn't believe in the America I grew up in.He believes in "fairness" not capitalism.He's going to give the have-nots everything they "need".Healthcare,homes(affordable housing)education etc. etc. etc..He doesn't have that much money himself so where do you think it will come fromIJIJIJTHERE AIN'T NO FREE lUNCH FOOl!!!Some one else is getting nothing for something.Too bad most in his party think the same way.You ever here a politician since Reagon say he_she's going to get the obstacles out of your way so YOU CAN DO IT YOURSElF!!!Hell no!! Anymore the whole stinking bunch want to "give" whatever to you so you'll like 'em and vote for them again and some are so stupid they will!! Now then,as far as the Maverick goes I'd like to thank the the crossover Dems and Independents for picking a non-Republican to represent the party that used to most reflect my ideals.The piece of crap won't come out swinging and going for blood.His campaign is so pooly run that it will take a miracle for him to win.He has Barney and friends to feed to the lions right now but says nothing.It would be too partisian."It's no time to fix blame but time to fix the problem",he said last week.He wiped with the constitution when he got "campaign finance reform" passed.He claimed MONEY was the problem in politics.No John,it's ethics.He couldn't find his A$$ with both hands.I got no one to vote FOR....but I see a greater threat against my country and her people in the young Marksist so I will vote against him.


Palin is the only one of the bunch who has leadership experience from being a state governor. The other three have experience in the Senate where they learned to promise the moon, pass the buck, and stick the weenie to the rest of us. The best result will be if McCain wins and then is incapacitated and Palin becomes President.


I'll vote McCain, not because I like him, but because of Sarah Palin. What a breath of fresh air she is. Just my two cents worth, but wouldn't a Huckabee_Palin ticket have been a great combination........As far as ag policy goes, last spring when they couldn't get a farm bill passed, I thought what a great time to get the government clear out of our business.....Good luck with harvest everyone................Dan


Obama all the way. We need a muslim, marxist, mafia type. (don't you love the titles people throw at him) Palin a "breath of fresh airIJ" I guess stupidity is attractive in a woman to some of you. WhatIJ What is the attraction to her other than the obvious to you dirty old menIJ In her statements recently she does not seem to hold conservative social positions that some assumed she possessed. She has no record on cutting taxes since Alaska has no state income taxes. She favors the Wall Street bail out. Whatever happened to her Alaskan ideal of individualism and personal responsibilityIJ I guess I just forfeited any chance of being loved at this forum. Personally I think politics should have been avoided here but I am not willing to read a one-sided political rant either.


They talk about free trade, which can be good for farmers on the products we produce. But free trade is killing us on the input side, China is buying up all the fertilizer they can get, their dollar is better than ours. Companies that produce it will sell to the highest bidder and we cannot compete against the communist empire. This is where i wished someone in Washington is a farmer themselves and could speak up for the rest of us.. We have to continue to stick our necks out while unregulated low taxed hedge fund buyers are driving prices of crops where they want.. I hope a few have gone down in the last couple weeks.. Frustrated and getting juiced up for tonights debate...


Rig said: "Whatever happened to her Alaskan ideal of individualism and personal responsibilityIJ" I assume. since you brought this up, that you are a proponent of such ideasIJ If so, how can you possibly favor the party who pushes welfare and handoutsIJ I agree with you on one thing though - politics should be avoided here.