Combines Can we play Politics


Ok From the outside looking in! (Our mob are just as bad I might say!) Ok if the US of A wasn't the worlds biggest economy, and have the biggest influence on world politics I'd be laughing, out loud! :) Due to my time back in the early Ninety's driven combines in the US, I got a tiny little bit of education about US politics! (but still don't have a clue about how it all works for you guys!) We out here in the rest of world don't get a choice about who's elected over there, so I hope the heck you guys pick the right one for this next four years! Australia just had our Federal election back in November last year, and our labor party (Democrat equivalent) won by a huge majority! I have mention a few times back then it might be the election to loose! I feel I'm right on that one! as the world could not continue to grow like we have been! (The guy that sold the wheel barrow wanted to be paid for it eventually! and the domino effect has happened! ) As to us Grain Cockys the world over, food is the one thing that they All need, and if cost of production is high, they will HAVE to pay! regardless of who's running the US of A or any other country for that matter! What will change is that a lot of our food production will revert to just in time again! no big shipments in one hit! more like a small ship every few weeks! SE Australia is going through another difficult time with lack of rain, crops will not be any more that a ton a hectare! only a bit over 220 mm of rain here for the year so far! how do you think your politicians would handle twelve years of 50% to 60% less average rain fallIJ (and don't start me on this Global warming crap! Global variability, yes I can handle that!) The world will keep turning! (sun will come up in the East tomorrow! if it don't, politics will be the least of our troubles! :) Good luck with you voting intentions, and remember you are voting for us out here as well! Rolf


I am sorry to say that we really don't have a good candidate in either party. But in my opinion, you have to vote for the lesser of two evils. McCain will hopefully spend less of our money on government programs for the needy, aka lazy a$$es, that either have too many illegitimate children to get a job or are too fat to work. I just received an email about a nurse who just returned from working the shelters around hurricane Ike. It is sad to hear about some of the stuff that goes on in urban areas like that. Anyway I agree that politics should stay off this site, but during this strange time, it is nice to know if there are others that feel the same as you. I've decided my vote, don't know if it is best, but I will have to live with myself.


Would rather have my hand on a Bible than the koran, and would rather have a monkey in the Whitehouse than Hussein Obama. I agree with IowaDan, Huckabee-Palin would have been the best ticket. May G od bless America.


The format of this site is weird. The responses should go to the bottom as they are received. You read the thread backwards the way it is. We are so polarized as a country anymore. I find it impossible_scary to talk about politics with most folks anymore unless I know they agree with me. Maybe a internet forum like this could make it easier but it could go nasty very easy too. Back to politics: Yes I am a proponent of those ideals especially when it comes to myself. I also believe in a certain measure of socialism to balance out a hard world. I am also Christian. It would bother me if we didn't have that touch of socialism. Republicans don't hold a monopoly on hard work, morality or patriotism. I sick of them acting like they do. In my opinion we have 3 of the best candidates for executive office in a long time. Palin is not ready. I feel sorry for her that she got put in this situation. The Palin choice and some other things has made me very negative about McCain. I was not that way till recently.


I did not know the word G od without the space is censored on this site, in fear of offending someone, and Obama is not even elected yet.


I have got to disagree with whoever said this election has three of the best candidates in along time. Biden has been in office since before I was born, has that plastic politician look and little accomplishment, Obama has been in the Senate for little time, has a great record of voting "present" (must have thought it was roll call, not a roll call vote) and zero accomplishment, Mc Cain claims to be the pork buster and jumped on board with the second bailout plan which was full of unnecessary, expensive, unrelated things and Palin is the bright spot in this election to most people. She has leadership experience, accomplishment and a likeable demeanor that is at least trustable for a politician. I also think that her state not having, or imposing an income tax while she is in office is just as good if not better than "cutting" taxes.


The point I was making about Palin is that she, at least at this time of her political career, is not in the pockets of her party or the lobbiests like Obama, Biden and McCain are. She could actually use COMMON SENSE in making decisions. Also, there are only a handful of the 435 people in Congress that deserve to remain there and the rest should all be sent packing no matter what party they belong to. By the way, I am a registered Independent and a PROUD Vietnam Veteran who knows what it is like to put your life on the line and not have the support of your Country. GO TROOPS!!!!!!!!


I am the guy you are referring to. Palin's state is gouging the rest of the nation with its oil prices and therefore has a state surplus. Palin has not had to make the hard choices that every other governor has had to about cutting programs and infrastructure projects or raising taxes. look at poor Arnold in Cal. He used to be poster boy for republicans. Palin was able to reduce property taxes as mayor of Wasilla by using her buddy Ted Stevens as her cash source. I like these other guys because they are supreme orators that seem to mostly live the talk. Palin is neither the orator or the saint that people make her out to be. "Hockey Mom"IJ She is also extremely polarizing. Who other than white America can relate to thatIJ At least a soccer (world's most popular game)mom would have more widespread appeal.


I was one year to young to be part of that situation in Vietnam. I can't imagine to know how that felt. listen to what Palin says. It sounds the same to me. She may have had a convert in me if she would have came out against the bail out and not have played this mindless clique(spIJ) game of negative presidental politics.