Combines case dissapoints at farmfest


Think you caught up with my post over on NMT by now so you know the big part of why I think they're crap. Aside from that the climate control system is worthless . . . and it took my guy over a year to figure out why the A-post was beeping . . . among other things. For those of you that think these are so good . . .I've got one for sale!!!!!


Do you know of any Deere dealers with a low houred 04 model 2388. Maybe I can deal. I will say this, from all the discussion on this post maybe CNH will get some new PR courses out to their dealers. lOl


i'm really starting to belive that your tractor has some ailments that could easily be fixed but you dealer sucks at PR and thier mechanics don't know what thier doing.I also remember a thread you had on your suspended axle and how long it took them to fix it, that was rediculous. Your climate control should have long been fixed by now with the latest controller they came out with over a year ago. Every tractor we have put them in has worked perfect ever since, i can get the P_N of it if you need it.We put that controller in every tractor that was under warranty no matter if their tractor was acting up or not,We figured that if it wasn't bad now it probably would be after the warranty was off and that just wouldn't have been right to make the customer pay for something that wasnt designed right from the get go, we had alot of hot crabby farmers in the fall and it would be stupid to let them change brands over somthing as dumb as climate control. Also, it took a year to figure out why your A-post was beeping IJ must they ask the Assist people before they pickup any tool or look at anything IJ Sorry if i seem rude commenting on all this but hearing you issues and your lack of support from your dealer really ticks me off.


I second that last line. Put IH back with Navistar where it belongs, and give us back our DT466 and put a DT530 in a tractor too! As far as getting the old IH engineers back or out of retirement, I think 1 is at Deere designing cabs, as he claims Deere will never top the Axial Flow. (Heard this from a CNH guy at a farm show a few years back.) That was before the 8010 of course.


Climate control was updated MarchIJ 04. Would this have been the latest oneIJ Thanks!


Was this auto climate control update to fix all years or just certain years. I asked my dealer and the competing NH blue dealer if I could update my AUTO-ClIMATE control on a 2001 STX and they both caim to the same conclussion that no it could not be updated. Blue NH dealer had a printed dealer notice that as much as 13 degree temp difference has been noticed. Reason for not being able to update according to them was mine would not be a PWM system. Same thing applied when I asked for End of row functions (JD calls implement management switch) Also never had any support out of them when I installed a Auto-steer system on it. Know of two other guys besides myself that had steering cylinders either break or come apart. luckily we were only backing up not in full speed foward when it happened. Traded STX for a used JD with more hours, and could not be happier... got rid of the RED PMS machine, bad as a women.


i belive it can be installed on all of them, I've put it in 270's and the software came out with the later 285's. I cant answer for sure on the STX's because four wheelers are far and few in my area. the trouble shooting chart is mostly the same on MX, STX and combines, so i would think it wouldnt be any different. I dont quite understand what they mean about the PWM system. The only thing i thought that stood for was Pulse With Modulation, and that is for your transmission solinoids. On the MX's they went from on_off solinoids to PWS solinoids when they came out with the new series but i don't know much at all about the STX. I cant help you out with the end of row feature much either, we have had a few guys ask about it but no one that i know of uses it.


i did a little checking today and there is somthing about PWM with the HVAC system, I may have to do some research when i can find a moment.