Combines Cat 480 vs 9750 STS


ck, that is an 'apple and oranges' comparison. The Cat 460 is a conventional class 6 machine the 9750STS is larger in capacity and consequently, price. Is the Cat 460 a current model or three years oldIJIJ


The Claas and Deere are both good machines, either one can out perform the other in certain conditions. Deere, in my biased opinion, can easly outperform Cat in the servicing of AGRICUlTURE equipment. The farmers that have looked at Cat equipment in our area, have been concerned that if their Ag. Cat and a construction company's Ind. Cat are broke down at the same time, who is going to get preferential treatmentIJ Constructon companies want their equipment fixed ASAP because it costs them a lot of money to be broken down, and they will pay good money to get it up and going again. The farmer want's his running to, but he is not as free with his money as the Ind. customer is. Your Deere dealer is probably 30mi away at the most. How far is the nearest Cat dealerIJ Everything breaks down sooner or later, if your equipment is broken, and no one is there to fix it, it don't do you much good.


I have run Cats last year and the dealers are pretty good. If you break down, they have field men that live all over the country, so there is one near you. Also, if you do break down, you can order parts and they will drive out to you and meet you half way or whatever. I do think though that no one matches JD on dealerships or reliablity. They are very good machines, but I do think that a Cat is better in the field than a Deere.


let Me set the record straight on 480 vs 9750sts. I owned three 9610 until last fall I traded one


Why is a CAT so good now and a few years ago they were ClAAS IJ and nobody cared then


Jeff, were both machines equipped with Straw ChoppersIJIJ I am considering not having one on my 9750STS. Where do you farmIJIJ I did not think too many STS made it into any wheat this year, other than Australlia or Canada. Thanks.


These Cats are now tuned for the North American markets with many upgrades.