Combines Changing colors


Yea, at least until 700 - 800 hrs on the clock when you have to start "modifying" augers, elevator housings, grain tank bottom, concaves, etc because they are wore out.


Just dont expect the same power that you have in your 72. I have run them both,and was looking at trading colors this winter. Our deere dealer told me that he would want to sell me a 9760 or I would be disappointed,since I run a 12 head and am used to the 72. I have nothing against a deere combine, I just cant afford one. Me and my buddy cut round for round this fall in the same field,with 30ft heads,and he has a 9750. IG


no sweat, just keep us posted as to the progress. The 9660 is a good unit, any fresh unit will seem like an improvement just as a new R75 would have - box stock. Just tell the boss to remember you ran the R72 six crops. He will probably find out why the green guys trade every few years. We have ran several units side by side, so it will be interesting to hear if you find the same things we did - both in common and in difference.


except when you change crops, and he said his boss said time was $$ ; which is not what he was used to. A new factory equipped CDF 65 with orbit reel will be about the same as the 9660 - no mods needed. However, the R series , like any good engine, has plenty of room for mo-go....


Different people! Different attitudes! Some people like to mess around with machinery and to try and get much more performance out of it. It gives them a deep sense of satisfaction when they achieve this. Others don't want to bother with such niceties and will not touch an original machine, preferring to do other things with their time. To claim that one's own personal attitude towards modifying combines is the only correct one is arrogant. All manufacturers have had good and bad models. The most modified combine we ever had was a JD and despite our best efforts we never did get that combine to work OK in our conditions. Cheers!


Well now I have learned that he sold the R72 and is getting the 9660sts thru machinery link. He bought a 12r30 corn head and a 35' platform.Both heads are one year old.


lOl thats funny, I was at the louisville farm show last year and I stopped by the companies booth that makes the gathering chain slow down kit for deere corn heads. He comes up and asks if I am interested, and I say yeah its interesting but I havent had a need for it yet. He asked what kinda head, I said I have a hugger gleaner head and he just kinda smiled. He said ya know deere sells the most heads and they are the ones that need to be modified the most. He said he rarely has anyone say they have problems with the Hugger head. I just told him I was very satisfied with it and he said thanks for stopping by.


How many JD STS's are traded in on R series. Very, very few. Oh, you still need an orbit reel with the new full fingered augerIJ How about changing to steep pitched helicals on threshing side on every machineIJ Feeder house floor upgradesIJ From what I hear these mods are needed and should be standard equipment. like it or not the A series will probalby earn more converts from the competition than an R series. They are more forgiving in tough conditions. JMHO P.S. If anyone on here went from an STS to a ROY combine of any model i would like to hear about it.