Combines color bias aside which machineIJ


Harvester, Thanks for your feedback. You seem to have a good knowledge of all the machines out there - are you a custom cutter, or just test drove for your own farmIJ We currently put 13,000 ac through 2 480R's every year. Don't want to go to 3 machines, but not sure any other machine out there can out do the 480R. Only thing that scares me is the long term future of Claas. Sure they feed you the "were here for the long haul", but that is what Cat was saying up until they pulled the plug. Investing half a mil in a machine and having no resale can make for sleepless nights. Do you know anymore on the 9890IJ Our local Agco dealer has been saying it will be a monster, but does not know much more than that. I have no experience with the massey rotary at all (tested the 9860 and sent it back the first day). Do you have any pics or does anyone elseIJ Thanks,


Used to be a custom cutter; now I just fix and rebuild all makes and ages. I think the 500 series that Claas introduced is pretty solid proof that they plan to stay. And from what I've heard, the machines are selling well. I've got a friend who works for AGCO; he tells me what he can, but not everything. Sounds like the simplicity of the MF rotary will be maintained, but the rotor is getting bigger. Same diameter as the 9700 (31.5") but he wasn't sure if it was the same length as the 9700 or if it was shortened to be the same length as the 9790 (140"). Big unload system, Sisu engine, and some type of hillside compensation system. Should be a good machine, but again, I simply can't see how one rotor will ever be able to hold its own against the lexion system. Among the single rotor machines, however, the MF would certainly be the one.


Second that! The lexion is a great combine, but among the others in the field, the Massey would be the one I'd buy hands down.


Hey, 1.MF 9890 if its out on time 2.New Holland CR 970 3. Cat lexion 580R 4.Case 8010 5. John Deere 9860 I'll start at number 1. If the Massey has the same simplicty as the 9690 and 9790 it will be easy to get going. We ran out of cleaning area on our 9790. We need more cleaning area and some more horsepower. Hopefully, the 9890 will be able to fix this. 2. The New Holland has lots of capacity. I have never ran one but there is a custom harvester who lives near me and he runs at least 2 New Holland CR 960's. He is very pleased with them. 3. They need to cut down some on the moving parts, but other then that it should run awesome. 4. Case needs to get there butt in gear and fix this machine or they will be dead in the water like MF was back in the late 80's and early 90's for combines. This machine would move up to 1, 2, or 3 depending on how it would preform. 5. John Deere needs to get off their lazy butts and add more cleaning area to there machines instead of just adding horsepower because anyone can add horsepower to there machine if they want. Everyone around here that runs John Deeres runs a 9660 because of cleaning area. There might be one or two 9760's around but thats it. There prices just about kill you also. We traded for a 134,000 and Deere wanted almost 200,000 to trade.


Points 1 and 3: Productivity is proportional to complexity and complexity to one may be simplicity to another. Point 2: You need to try one first Points 4 and 5: I agree 100%!


Hello Kenton, We have two new JD60 series in our fleet this year. We already had the bearings on the serpentine belt idler go out. The multilink connector is leaking, hoses are rubbing through, the electro hydraulic feeder reverser is working only parttime, the header lift button seldom works in slow function. The new moisture meter works more accurate than in the 50 series but quits sometimes. Besides that we are still waiting for one of our 8.1 liter powertech engines to blow up, like it has happened to so many other green operators this year. It looks like John Deere is having increasing quality problems. Most of the new stuff is not functioning as intended or failing all together. Many old problems even from back in the 9600 days have not been adressed. The share holder seems to be more important than the customer. If I was in your position, I'd take a hard look at the CR. Ralf


The only comine I have any experience with is the CR970's and 8010's. They are basically the same combine, just the CR has two rotors. They both have a few quirks that are easily fixed. The biggest problem you will hear about is the feederhouse slip clutch. The clutch is not at fault, the stone door is. The door lactches have to be remanufactured to let the door close so that it is higher than the feederhouse floor, otherwise the crop balls up on the ridge that is created. The other problem is the rotor strippers. I have heard many people complain about the cr being easy to plug. this is because the rotor strippers are set too far away from the rotor. adjust the elephant ears out and_or weld on a length of 1_4" keystock to the stripper to close the gap to 1_8", give or take. Once those two things especially are done, they are both excellent combines from what I have seen.