If someone came into my cab in a threatening way, I would use anything at my disposal to defend myself. Perhaps, not a gun, but I always have a few tools in the cab. I have a beautiful wife and 6 children to provide for and if it comes down to a choice between an ill-tempered person threatening me and myself, I will do whatever it takes so that I will go home tonight and be with my family. You never know what you are facing in people that you aren't familiar with. One of my best friends is a policeman and we were discussing carrying guns in vehicles. He told me that he AlWAYS assumes that farmers carry guns in their pickups. Not because they're bad people, but because they tend to be hunters and own them. Pulling a gun on someone should mean that the situation warrants it. When you show a weapon that you had better be prepared to use it, or the other person will take it and use it on you. It's sad to see that our world has come to this level of rage, but as I said, one needs to be able to protect himself. Just another point. Farmers tend to be a little stronger than others. That guy that came into the cab must have been really worked up to think he was going to come out on top of the fight.