Compact Tractor in the Garage vs Shed



New member
Hi all - just purchaing new chunk of land and building a new house. One of the first things i plan to get is a Compact Tractor which i plan to use for snow removal, plowing, dirt moving. With a cab on the tractor, will be about 8 feet tall. So my attached garage doors on my house i'm going to have 9' vs 8' opening to get through. Does anyway see an issue with bring a Compact Tractor in and out of an attached garage besides if on blacktop on hot summer day leaving ruts? At some point i'll probably build a pole barn to keep the tractor in, but for next couple years i'd like to have it inside the attached garage.


New member
Hello If you get a 30 hp tractor or smaller don't worry about ruts in your drive. I grow grain in n. NY and have a compact tractor It is very useful but takes a long time to plow snow if its over 8 inches deep. Most useful for loading manure spreader in summer. gear drive is better for general purpose than a hydro. I have attached an oil pan stick on heater that works great for winter starting.