Combines Coolant IJ


Nice to have a trustworthy dealership! lets hope the guy was new in sales and hasn't been told yet that B S is unacceptable.


That green coolant sounds very much like the cheap commercial stuff from the retail stores that they put into the petrol engines to protect against corrosion in the alloy heads and to handle the occasional low temperatures.


I do not know on Case names, but fleetguard who is cummins sells a blue coolant, can't remember the name for sure but it is a longlife coolant, was told by cummins that as long as I replace coolant filter with proper charged ones and check coolant properties with their test strips and continue to use the blue coolant if I get a leak I wont need to change it again.


Gary We did the water pump on our 8.3 Cummins at end of harvest!I had local truck fix it company apprentice come out and install a exchange water pump! we had to drain out coolant (Tec50) and reuse old green coolant, and had to top it up with new coolant! the top up was blue where as the old coolant was green! I sort of gave a bit of a gasp when topping up radiator in R62! and young guy said straight away that the new coolant is blue, where as the older heated once coolant turns to green! this is so called, to stop shops from draining out coolant and just reusing it back in engines, and making customer pay full tote odds for a coolant change! ( like anyone is going to check the coolant level before you leave the garage!) So! its quite normal for it to be blue when new and green once its been heated up to what ever temp it gets to to make it turn green! Do a test in a coffee tin over a BBQ! see what happens. Rolf


PS: Forgot to let you know that if you have any alloy,copper brass bits and pieces that you want cleaned up to a very nice new appearance! use an old crock pot with lid, with any engine coolant! (Tec 50 works well!)and place your bits you want cleaned up nicely and let it heat and soak for a couple days! Makes Glow model aircraft engines come out like new! :dgrin: use a tooth brush and sprites to finalize the clean. Keep lid on crock pot as well as pets loooove the taste of glycol and don't live very long afterwards! :wink:


Thanks rolf Will give it a test. All new to me since its my first case cummins been using Fuchs coolant (which is green )in everything else for years. So had to ask pengs5