Combines corn burning furnaces


Thats assuming everyone uses that particular make. Check out Its a plastic pipe that exhausts through a larger intake pipe which adds to the efficiency. I didn't know that cornstoves had a bad reputation.


The stove you are refering to is the Envirotec and I believe it is built in Canada. "A well built stove." It is NOT the industries standard to vent this with plastic and no way does this Co. recommends using plastic. It uses a direct vent "Pl" stainless lined vent pipe. It even tells you that on the web sight you are refering to. There are a few stove manufactures that are building these stoves that do not work right. These and improper installations of the good ones will and have gave these stoves a bad reputation. If you are considering on getting a corn stove and use plastic I wish you the best of luck. I really do! Take care!


Neighbour has been running his for 11 years now. Had to patch up the stainless steel fire_clinker box once but the plastic vent is still original. As I saud the exhaust us inside the intake so even if it were to melt the flame would probably just smother itself in time.


i bought a new corn stove for my house last winter, it's great!! have it in the living room, i heated the whole house with it set on the lowest setting, it holds about 3 5 gallon buckets of corn and that will heat for 2-1_2 to 3 days on a sigle fill. the wifey really likes the glass door and seeing the flame. the brand is a st croix. the best part is that you can clean the burn pot out without having to shut the stove down. i figure it cost me about $.64 cents a day to heat my house. at $1.85 corn which i had to buy at the elevator because i had already sold my entire crop before buying the stove! propane was costing me $400.00 a month before this and that was with wood heat suppliment! you do the math!!