Dakota, that attitude that JD are demonstrating in the U.S. is exactly what appears to be happening here in Australia. I know that many operators here have been extremely disappointed with latest series of JD combines, particularly with respct to some major common faults such as electrical problems. We have had several meetings with JD engineers outlining technical problems with the CTS and STS's. It appears what we always say goes straight through their ears. Anyway there attitude and support has led to us trading a couple of JD's on some new CX's. We have had JD combines for 30 Years., JD's arrogance is starting to annoy alot of people. We will still own a couple of STS's and 9650CTS's but only by circumstances and to be honest I think a couple of other manufacturers such as NH have surpassed JD which I think is extremely healthy for the industry, Customer choice is a great thing.