Hey Mondo please do not shoot the mesenger I remember reading posts you and Yellow Fever had and I thought you were getting way to caught up in his posts so chill out actually I have been dealing with 3 different dealers and all only want to sell a rotor in fact 2 dealers have not sold any walkers in 2 years and the other one none last year and neather one said they will order any walkers again. But would some body please explain why so many Deere people switched to rotors if the walker is generally a better machine. And I can get a walker from a dealer in dakota but just as soon do business with a dealer that is with in 25 miles rather than driving 150. And if you dont beleive me I can e mail you there phone ns. I am really considering going to a red machine cause at least they have a pto drive, that I wont have to carry a spare header drive belt along. And red realizes there is only one thashing system out there. That is the ROTOR!