Combines Deere Walkers


Hey Mondo please do not shoot the mesenger I remember reading posts you and Yellow Fever had and I thought you were getting way to caught up in his posts so chill out actually I have been dealing with 3 different dealers and all only want to sell a rotor in fact 2 dealers have not sold any walkers in 2 years and the other one none last year and neather one said they will order any walkers again. But would some body please explain why so many Deere people switched to rotors if the walker is generally a better machine. And I can get a walker from a dealer in dakota but just as soon do business with a dealer that is with in 25 miles rather than driving 150. And if you dont beleive me I can e mail you there phone ns. I am really considering going to a red machine cause at least they have a pto drive, that I wont have to carry a spare header drive belt along. And red realizes there is only one thashing system out there. That is the ROTOR!


I had a similar experience to you, CornKing! I'm in the midst of dealing and my dealer is also trying to encourage me to go rotary! I think rotaries definitely have more overall capacity in almost every crop, however, I custom combine for several horse farms and dairy farms, both of which want good balable straw. Plus, as I've mentioned many times, I have no problems doing an excellent job in corn; - even high moisture. You asked for other reasons to go rotary over conventionalIJ Overall capacity, but I don't really need anymore capacity than what a 9660 conventional would provide.


THANK YOU! I think some people can not beleive when I say dealers try to persuade you to the rotary.


I realize that conventionals will probably become less and less as time goes on. The point I was trying to make was that it was customer demand, not corn, that did it. That`s all. Happy shopping CORNKING


It almost makes one wonder if JD does some under the table numbers work with dealers that promote the STS. Not sure what to believe from other posts on here on the maintenance costs on a STS machine. But it makes one think something is going on so the parts_repair market is a little more favorable for the company as a whole. Could be all wrong with this thought. Any other ideasIJ A neighbor usually runs anywhere from 8 to 11 combines for harvest. last year he had 4-5 STS's and the rest were walkers. No idea how any compared to the other, but if the STS was so much easier to operate why would he have any walkers at all. With some of the crew he has, easier would definately be to his adavantage if ya know what I mean. CJ


They can disagree to h3ll and back, still isn't going to change a SINGlE reason as to why the Deere "walker" is a thing of the past. Some minds are so small, it's not an area related issue! It's a numbers game, and more bushels of corn are harvested for grain every year here in the US than 3-4 years worth of very other grain in the US!!! Numbers, numbers, numbers.....try a little arithmetic for once, not geography! Then, add in some logistics and demographics and you will see why Deere has chosen the route of the rotor 30 years behind the curve mind you! They stuck with the "walker" for as long as the dog would hunt, for them!


On the contrary, I priced a conventional at two opposing Deere dealers and they BOTH tried to persuade me to go rotary. like combinejockey99 stated below, it makes me also wonder if there is an "incentive" for dealers to push the rotaries. I don't have the "heart" to tell my dealer that if I go rotary, it might be a Massey!


Okay MG! You are starting to see the light! MaybeIJ Massey Rotors are nice machines and you will not be dissappointed in the least with a purchase of one unless you deal with an awful dealer. Re: our previous conversation of the pitfalls to switching brandsIJ You will most likely experience hardship in the beginning but the Massey is really very simple and should be a breeze for you to learn! IN no way here am I argueing which rotor is better, but I like facts and the facts are that the Massey is the most simple combine in the US market I'm a big fan of "KISS" principle! Best to you even though you think I'm full of it!


Hello Bob, I never implied (nor do I feel) that you're "full of it"! (Whatever "it" may be) ;-) We are "blessed" with an excellent Massey dealer locally, and my brother-in-law has been running Massey rotaries for about 7 years, so I feel the learning-curve would be minimal. Ironically, my brother-in-law recently traded to a Deere STS only because the deal was agressively-priced and he was gaining capacity. Personally, I feel he's in for a disappointment but that's his issue, not mine! I agree with you when you state the simplicity of the Massey. A great feature in itself!


If you set your combine the right way you won't have those cobs on in your bin. Im guessing no matter what the color