Combines F2 4cyl motor in 880 cotton stipper cranking problems


I faught a 8010 one time. I even had it cranking on 24 volts with the 12 volt starter (almost idle speed). I adjusted valves plus or minus a bunch from specs to acomplish different valve timing for starting. I think if compresion ratio is just border line to create enough heat to ignite the diesel it will be a fussy starter. Here's a good one for you. Some state owned a Trojan payloader made in Germany with a Deutz engine. Engine started to smoke, loosing power, and very hard to start. Engine got overhauled completely and diesel pump pulled a couple times. State sold this very nice dead loader cheap. New owner had me out to check for proper timing on pump. We retimed every which way from specs we could find with no luck. I then pulled pump and injectors to be double sure it was all right with my diesel pump shop. Everything checked out so I went back to check compression and valve timing ect. Ends up all that was wrong is a relief valve seat was backing out of hydralic valve which was squishing off oil flow from very high output pump. That was causing so much drag that engine could barely get up to idle speed anymore. Ends up all plasic parts in hydralic cylinders had been boiled from the hydralic oil running hotter and hotter as the seat backed out. Oh how nice it would be to get the whole story sometimes. I think the guy is still smiling for what he paid for it and got into it for repairs and then resold it. Darn nice loader I have to say but not an Allis. Have a good day.