Combines F2 airflow grain saver help


I've got an airflow on a M2, but it seems this fall we ran alot of corn over. (125bu corn,2mph 630 ). I checked the bushings in the pendulm seems to work we get good airflow. Especially bad when rightside is down. I'm running the cleaning fan almost wide open.Help please. thanks


Muleman, I have 2 M2 combines. One with HS blower and the other without. In corn the blowed machine has TWICE the capcity or more in areas with greater than 2-3 percent slopes. I bought a machine for parts that has one. It will be installed on the other. Make sure the air choke is adjusted to let enough air in. However, Too much air is worse than none. I walk behind the machine and watch the corn flowing off the shoe and adjust the choke accordingly. If it is open too far it will throw the corn so hard it will bounce off the other side wall of the shoe and out the back onto the ground. We can run 5 to 6 MPH in slopes to 4% but need to slow down as the grade increases. I keep the fingers on the shoe opened up as much as you can and run the fan wide open under the shoe for best results. I run the rear fingers nearly wide open to catch any kernals from running out the back. Steve


DO IT! You will not be sorry and will will look back at the moment you traded as one of the better moves of your Combining career. Good luck Steve