yes, yes, yes :--

smart alec answer sorry . All headers come with fairing extentionsand are installed in the R62-72 position on one side and have to be bolted in on the rh side. If one purchases a R42-52 he MUST get the header adaptor kit to narrow the throat in to match the opening. This was a MAJOR problem on the early R40-50's as dealers just stuck the headers on and all heck took place. They won't feed right if the right kit with the proper auger extentions aren't in place. Conversly if a R42-52 kit is installed and not removed when installing on a 60-70 it will not feed either- everthing will be pushed to the center too much. This fairings cover the ends of the slats and prevent wedgies of straw between the inside of the slats and the header back and the resulting pinching, hairpinning, and clogging that results. (Clogging in this case is the bunching of stems not the native appalachian dance which is the bunching of people stomping the heck out of the bottom of their shoes) . There are different combinations of auger extentions that we have experimented with to help in wierd situations with success. Finally all combines come with feed chain extention links which allow the feed chain to go futher (I know that's spelled wrong but this stuped censor monitor won't let me spell fa_theras it thinks I'm smelling uh spelling fa(_)t (r)!) Into the header. This is for short straw only. In this case (sic) you must remove the fairings or the chain will do it for you and tell you about it in the process.