Combines faulty case products


wow cowboy maybe you lost your only hope, an as far as union labor maybe your to young but back in 70's dock strike sure put agriculture in a tailspin , CIH and NH's problem is they tried to do to much in a small amount of time in the past 2 years there has been a mad rush to see who can produce the largest grain eating monsters on the planet their all having inconsistencies in their products I don't totally blame the workmanship because it's a big pill to swallow to produce multiple combines at one plant ,hell I bet if you had union labor it would have taken years to do what CIH and NH did and I wouldn't bank on the workmanship!!!!!!!!!!!!PS I guess Honda needs to go UnionIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJIJ


I am getting a little tired of their parts situation this fall. They need a new rotor cvt for my 8010 only place it is GI. ordered it 1:30 wednesday to be here thursday morn never showed never shipped it wednesday. broke clean grain elevator chain sunday. took the one out of mine put her back together. parts manager ordered new one completely wrong part came. I guess CNH is changing all the part numbers to numeric no more c1's,r1's,etc but come on they can do better than that. I don't think it's only CNH. parts are a big expense for the dealers and manufacturers, but they need to do it right the first time.


If John Kerry is the answer, it must be a really stupid question.


That will be the least of your worries in the next four years budd! Hope all your kids are grown up and to old to go to war!


What kind of combine would you expect when you use Scabs to make and build themIJ look at claas at least they are smart enough to make all the parts with good union German labor . Then have scabs from nebraska snap tite them together. And they cant even get that right. John Deere Union made , I think they speak for themselves.


You can bet that if John kerry was president Case ih would have unions in there before the end of the year and their product would improve. I was at a resteraunt the other day and I was short of money and the waitress asked if I wanted some pumpkin pie. I did ,but I did not have enough money to buy it. Does that seem right to youIJ I could not afford pie. If John Kerry was president they would have to give me my piece of pie. I deserve it . I just cant afford it . Why should I not get itIJ Its just not fair. If people do not want to work all day does that mean they should not be able to afford the stuff they want IJ I think not. Tax the rich , they lay around all day any way. Why cant I lay around for half a day. I dont have a nice car. I need one. My wife has small breasts, she needs bigger ones. John Kerry would get them for her(and me). Why should poor people not get pieIJ Have to work all dayIJ Drive junky cars IJ Wives with little hootersIJ I say no. Kerry in 2008.


Get over it losers. You lost fair and square-twice now. You need some help. let me offer some. www.foxnews.com_tonysnow There are others, but that should be a good start for you. Jeb Bush '08!!!


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