Combines future of the 2388s


I agree. It appears to me that the 8010 has threshing concaves the entire length of the cylinder with the seperator slots on top. That would effectively double the threshing_seperating area of the 2388.


If someone would glue a 20" unloading auger in there, you would have to beat the deere guys away with a stick to get in the door of the dealer. This is the only thing they are missing, since it already is apparantly a way longer lasting machine. Too bad. GS


I think the only reason the 2388 is in production now is because with the AFX rotor it has the capacity of a 7010 at a lower cost. I'm sure one of the main reasons behind the 7010 was to be able to use the same production line as the 8010 so they wouldn't have to move all the 2388 tooling to the new factory but since they have moved the tooling I'd bet they plan on getting their money back out of it before they drop the 2388 from the line. Also the 7010s are going to be alot more expensive than the 2388s and probably alot more than a 9660sts so they are going to have to stick with a machine that is priced competitively.


The 8010 is a little too much machine for my operation. It has all the features I'd like but is too much money. Yeah, I did price one. Above someone mentioned that the 7010 may be a lot more money than the 2388. If Case is going to sell any they will have to price it competitively. And if they build it with a smaller grain tank than JD, they just lost me. Case just shouldn't continue to build combines with smaller grain tanks than every other machine on the market (with the exception of the 8010.) For the last 35 years I've lived with combines with the smallest grain tank of nearly every combine made and I need a change!


The clean grain elevator is already maxed on the 2388 so any thrashing increases would be a mute point. Really just about everthing is maxed out on the 2388 from the frame on up.


Good to hear they're keeping the 2388 for a while. Here's my wish list: Strengthen the frame and rear axle since a lot of the machines down here in rice country have had main frame cracks and rear axle failures. Set the rear axle back a few inches where 28lx26 tires will fit without modification. Give it a 300 bushel grain tank, before extensions. Put a bigger unloading auger on it with about a 3 bu_sec capacity. Turn the fuel up to about 350 hp, and give it a rotor belt that will handle it. Electric seive adjustment from the cab. That would make a great combine even better.


WEll im not sure about everyone else but i can see fine with the lights on our 2388's and i understand the grain tank part so there you got me JD has a bigger grain tank there's one plus haha