I think what the guys are telling you is that it is hard to get started and then harder to stay in it. Hard not impossible. If so why do we have so manyIJ I started about 5 years ago. I have an uncle that was_is farming for 17 years and he said the same as the guys above play golf, fish or anything but farming. I made the choice that I wanted to farm not full time but part-time for now. The two pieces of advice to give in my limited time in the game. 1st find an older farmer who may retire in the next five years and help him. I found most, as on this show, will help if asked. May have to work for free, but the experience will payoff. The profit margin is too small to wing it and learn by mistakes. Plus the investment in equipment will eat you up. Maybe have a few acres that are yours and trade him equipment usage for your time helping him. If you are going to do this maybe by the tractor (used) to match his other equipment. If a tractor goes by human error that could hurt the relationship (plows, drills, cultivators are easier and cheaper to repair). The older farmers around here love to talk and teach to someone that wants to learn but the young one must WANT to work hard and be RElIABlE. Good help is hard to find. The 2nd advice would be treating it as a business. You need to watch the cashflow and debt. On anything I do i.e. planting a certain crop, buying equipment, adding acres I pencil it out both is it realistic with the prices and yields to plant that type or another crop. On the debt, make sure you do not overextend oneself. I am not sure what this is but look at the cashflow. I always make may payments for the longest period, because you can payoff early if we hit a good year but it is not good to get behind. Sometimes you find it may pay to plant a cheaper less yielding crop just to help keep expenses low. For example this year beans in N. Texas may yield less and may gross less than corn but look at fertilizer costsIJ One can start farming and get into it slowly and make a go of it and if you can supplement the farm with the outside work $, then you move alittle faster. These low price going to change some day and you have to play the game to get the reward. If I breakeven each year and cashflow I am happy until that day high prices and yields. like I said I have a good full time job and know that the full timers must do better to support their families. It is tough right now, but most would do it again if pressed hard to tell the truth because it gets in your blood and just cannot stop like Buck fever. This is my opinion any other comments. Parttimer